Saturday, May 26, 2007

Preface to Bob's Opinions Unleashed


I would first like to thank Nigel Keiffer for helping in the research and editing of the articles in this booklet. When both of us were employed by the City of Seattle, we had the opportunity -- from the “inside” -- to witness the gradual erosion of the basic principles of good government by our city's elected and appointed officials. Consequently, during the almost thirty years that each one of us has challenged Seattle's bureaucracy, our combined activism in the city’s politics underscores many of the opinions contained in this booklet.

As a matter of fact, this is a very simple booklet, composed of some very short articles reflecting my opinions on some major issues facing the nation.

In order to allow each article to stand on its own, a segment mentioned in one may be repeated in another. In addition, the names of some individuals have been deliberately left out because they no longer are relevant at this late date.

My purpose for writing the articles is to provide another point of view – to provide a handful of facts in American history and how they are currently being affected by modern America. By using the state of Washington and the City of Seattle as examples, my opinions should explain why some of the attitudes held around the country today are what they are.

I have also included possible solutions to current problems, which if not resolved soon will spiral this country into chaos.

I would like to remind the reader that only the "informed" are able to keep the many levels of government accountable, that is, if their abuses can be exposed in a timely manner. It may be the only way to preserve the United States – to keep it the great nation that it is.

My experiences and observations over the years -- reinforced by those of Nigel’s -- have exposed the fact that there is now little difference among local, county, state, and federal politics. Power brokers are dictating the policies of towns, cities, counties, states and the country, and the governance of each jurisdiction. Since brokers are not elected, there is little or no interest on their part to adhere to the basic tenets of the U.S. Constitution. My hope is that this little booklet will help correct the problem.

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